Hanukkah Sameach, Happy Kwanzaa and Merry Christmas from the team at ThinScale Technology.

It has been a doozy of a year for us, between some brand-new faces joining the team and a host of software updates, we’ve been moving so quickly that we’ve barely had time to catch our breath.

ThinScale Solutions

This year we have released a huge number of components and updates for ThinKiosk, IntelliPerform, and Secure Remote Worker.

Highlights include…

Virtual Desktop Agent

This component for ThinKiosk and Secure Remote Worker is a standalone install that will sit on the Virtual Machine in your environment. This agent will then communicate with the endpoint attempting to access the VM and will retrieve contextual information. This has benefits for both security and user experience; as firstly, the Virtual Desktop Agent will scan the connecting endpoint, to see if the endpoint is running within a secured ThinKiosk or Secure Remote Worker shell, and take preset actions based on the answer (this way users will no longer be able to access remote resources using a browser within an exposed or unsecured personal machine).

VDA logoff

Secondly, the agent can pass through system information from the endpoint to the VM, allowing for a true mobile thin client experience, things like battery and wifi indicators can now be passed through to the VM. Meaning the user will not have to minimize their virtual desktop when checking their battery or status. Read our blog on this here.


Windows Virtual Desktop

Windows Virtual Desktop is fully supported within ThinKiosk and Secure Remote Worker. This is natively supported, needing no extra platforms or 3rd parties to make it run. All of the lovely WVD features, such as Windows 10 Multi-session, will be accessible through ThinKiosk and Secure Remote Worker.

WVD connector-1

ThinKiosk and Secure Remote Worker can help speed up deployments of WVD, Amazon Workspaces, and any other DaaS deployment. You can read all about our support of WVD here.

ThinScale Knowledge Base

Our one-stop-shop for all things support. Our ThinScale Knowledge Base is the main help center where you can access the latest and past release notes, admin guides, troubleshooting walkthroughs, install guides and even best practice suggestions.

Knowledge Base-1

This, alongside contact information for our support team, can be accessed either in the Support section of our website or directly through the Knowledge Base link within the console of our ThinScale Management Platform, available with ThinKiosk, Secure Remote Worker and IntelliPerform.

IntelliPerform 5.1

IntelliPerform is our main solution for server and process performance, with the ability to dynamically optimize CPU and Memory utilization both within the server and on the desktop. 5.1 marked the introduction of a huge amount of new features including: Dynamic resource allocation based on windows in the foreground allowing priority to always be on the active window. Browser URL matching, which allows you to apply performance restrictions on your user’s browsing experience based on their URL. Options to stop/start and reset processes based on configured rules.

IP action menu

You can read more about this here.

All of the features and updates can be trialed yourself using the button below.

ThinScale Team:

International Cuisine

Our ThinScale team is constantly growing and with the new number of hires this year from around the globe, we thought it’d be appropriate to embrace and celebrate this diversity… with food! (Of course). We started a new tradition a few months ago that we hope to carry on into the new year.

Every couple of months, we all gather together for a potluck lunch featuring a Smörgåsbord of food from around the world!

Take a look at some of our 5-star cuisine.

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For the 2nd year, ThinScale Technology has partnered with Make-A-Wish Ireland in October (pics below), raising funds for their tireless effort, granting the wishes of children aged with life-threatening medical conditions. Make a Wish Ireland has granted over 2,500 wishes to children across the country since it’s inception, working at present with 23 hospitals throughout the Republic of Ireland.

make a wish 2018

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This time of year is particularly important, the holiday season is a special time for children everywhere and in the words of Make-a-Wish “Christmas can’t come early enough” for a lot of children with very serious conditions, Make-A-Wish is currently working through 189 wishes for children around Ireland and could really use some help. If you or your company would like to donate any amount this holiday season we have shared a link to their Christmas Appeal page.

Make-A-Wish is a global charity, as such, if you would rather see if there is a closer to home location, you can find their international website here and support your local chapter: https://www.worldwish.org/


Ready to see it in action?