Critical Checks for a WFH Security Audit

30% of the global workforce are working from home in 2022 – However, there has also been a 300% increase in cybercrime since 2020. As the result, auditing a secure working environment has changed for the better, being more reflective of the needs of a modern workplace environment. It is important to audit your own environment to ensure you can meet the standards for a modern cybersecurity framework, as companies are losing millions of dollars due to security breaches alone in 2022. According to Thales, 45% of organizations have experienced either a security breach or failed security audit.

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5 reasons companies are abandoning USBs for WFH

USBs (as well as most hardware) by their nature always have a possibility for failure, or damage and are dependent on logistics that we have seen are easily disrupted organizations are modernizing their infrastructure because the workforce is no longer within 10 Kilometres of the main office, where employees can span past international borders. We would go as far as to say mounting an OS on a USB and sending it to your remote employees is akin to stubbornly only using CDs when music streaming platforms are more convenient and efficient. So why are companies abandoning USB-mounted operating systems?

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Zero Trust: modernize your endpoint security

Modern IT infrastructure is exposed to a large amount of risk, with the frequency of cyber-attack rising year on year. Hybrid working, which is becoming a mainstay for most organizations, increases the attack surface for organizations due to corporate accessing endpoints (e.g. laptops) moving outside of the organization’s direct control.

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