Financial Services

The financial services industry requires secure endpoints for the processing of payment information and confidential customer data.

ThinScale solutions undergo regular penetration testing, evaluated by third-party security assessors to maintain the highest level of security while ensuring compliance with standards such as PCI DSS.


What our customers say

Syed Ali, IT Systems EngineerJackson McDonald
“ThinScale gives us the ability to secure our employees' environment, keeping sensitive legal information safe”

What our customers say

ThinScale gives us the ability to secure our employees' environment, keeping sensitive legal information safe

Syed Ali

IT Systems Engineer, Jackson McDonald

Modern requirements for the financial industry

Financial firms are vulnerable to cyber attacks like any other industry. Despite a strong focus on cybersecurity, 20% of all cyberattacks and breaches target the financial sector due to its high risk exposure. ThinScale helps those in the financial sector to secure the most vulnerable part of the IT stack – the endpoint.

Zero-trust security for financial services

InfoSec teams in finance are familiar with QSAs scrutinizing their environments, especially endpoints. ThinScale solutions meet PCI DSS standards by using zero-trust techniques to secure endpoints.

Supports Windows software, hardware, and legacy applications

ThinScale, built on Windows, supports almost any application or driver, including legacy ones often incompatible with other conversion tools or virtual environments.

Unified management for financial services

Manage and deploy secure workspaces across devices anywhere with cloud or self-hosted options, enabling IT teams to update, monitor, and provision workspaces seamlessly.

Reduced outgoings & prolonged machine life

Financial institutions can maximize ROI and reduce costs by extending hardware longevity with ThinScale, leveraging existing assets while securing endpoints.

Helping you achieve compliance

Out-of-the-box compatibility with VDI / DaaS vendors

Ready to become secure?

ThinScale offers comprehensive security solutions for financial service providers and banks.