Legal Services

Law firms and legal services are trusted with their client’s most sensitive data. Which is why they rely on ThinScale to secure their endpoints.

With robust security measures in line with industry compliance, ThinScale protects organizations against data breaches from internal or external threats.


Modern requirements for the legal industry

Cyber-attacks on the legal industry are on the rise. Law firms and legal services are becoming prime targets by bad actors due to the vast amount of personal, identifiable, and financial data that they manage. Cyber-attacks against the legal industry are seeing a year-on-year increase of 36%. ThinScale offers comprehensive security solutions for legal service providers and law firms.

Security & legal compliance for the handling of sensitive customer data

Data security is crucial for the legal industry and endpoints are the most vulnrable part of any data security policy. Help your endpoints meet the stringent compliance requirements required by legal entities, including GDPR, PCI DSS, and HIPAA.

Secure-on-the-go devices for attorneys/lawyers & remote employees

ThinScale creates true location-less endpoint deployments; devices can be brought on and off of the domain securely, allowing for more dynamic working and flexibility without impacting security.

BYOD for flexible deployment options for legal services

Secure BYOD for legal services looking to provide remote working solutions utilizing personal machines. Ideal for legal services that utilize 3rd party contractors or simply want to leverage employee's personal machines while maintaining a high security posture and compliance standard.

Reduced CAPEX & prolonged machine life to provide cost-effective secure endpoints

Modern legal organizations can avoid excess hardware purchases by leveraging their existing assets. ThinScale allows them to do this while also increasing the overall longevity of hardware. Increasing ROI, reducing overall costs.

Helping you achieve compliance

Out-of-the-box compatibility with VDI / DaaS vendors

Ready to become secure?

ThinScale offers comprehensive security solutions for legal service providers and law firms.