This post is the second in a two-part series called Smashing the Ramp-up. The first part discussed how to increase agent training capacity while reducing IT complexity. This part looks at how to solve logistical issues through automated device imaging and faster shipping.
On Premises
ThinScale Technology – PCI DSS Compliance
Coalfire PCI DSS ThinScale Whitepaper – Executive Summary ThinScale Technology(ThinScale) engaged Coalfire Systems Inc. (Coalfire), a respected Qualified Security Assessor (QSA) for the Payment Card Industry (PCI) and Payment Application Qualified Security Assessor (PA-QSA) company, to conduct an independent technical assessment of their ThinKiosk (ThinKiosk) & Secure Remote Worker (Secure Remote Worker) product. Coalfire conducted … Read more
ThinScale Technology – GDPR compliance
ThinScale Technology (ThinScale) engaged Coalfire Systems Inc. (Coalfire), a leading independent industry provider of IT security, governance, and regulatory compliance services, to conduct an independent technical assessment of their ThinKiosk& Secure Remote Worker product. Furthermore, Coalfire’s assessment was to determine the solution’s suitability to meet GDPR Compliance. Coalfire conducted assessment activities including technical testing, architectural … Read more
Delivering Workspace Standardization to Reduce IT Headaches
In the context of a modern, decentralized remote or hybrid workforce, standardizing IT and employee experience across devices and locations is increasingly important.
How Can CX Providers Reduce Costs and Fight Inflation?
As inflation rises globally, the customer experience (CX) industry and its employees face a substantial financial and operational challenge. On the business side, fuel and energy are on a continuous upward trajectory. Employees are also requesting higher wages and leaving jobs that can’t meet their demands, leading to higher, costly attrition rates across the board. … Read more
Smashing the Ramp-Up, Part 1: Increase Capacity and Reduce IT Workload
Seasonal surges are par for the course in the BPO and contact center industries. In just a few weeks, the new agent headcount can go from a few hundred to a thousand. For the bigger BPOs, the numbers are even more staggering.
Go Green: Recycle, Repurpose and Reuse Hardware with ThinKiosk
How repurposing existing IT hardware not only increases your ROI but decreases your organization’s carbon footprint. Why repurpose old IT hardware? Electronic Waste (E-Waste) is the worlds largest waste stream according to the 2020 UN Global E-waste Monitor, with over 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste accumulated in 2019 alone, with only 17.4% of that … Read more
Zero Trust: modernize your endpoint security
Modern IT infrastructure is exposed to a large amount of risk, with the frequency of cyber-attack rising year on year. Hybrid working, which is becoming a mainstay for most organizations, increases the attack surface for organizations due to corporate accessing endpoints (e.g. laptops) moving outside of the organization’s direct control.